
I paint the space
between as the damp and
heavy breath of everything.
My voice often lost among the
pitter-patter of others sieving themselves
up through the earth. 

Just like you, I was once afraid
to be just another drop in the Ocean. 
My purpose was 
broke and my resolve 
evaporated quicker than it 

As it was with me, it will be
with you. We become cold and hard, 
coloured by blankness. We had once 
rushed through everything, yet, 
now we were frozen in place, a block 
in our own way, nothing seemed to 
stick from the slick of our self-hatred. 

But time will slowly melt us away, 
our edges smoothed and glancing homeward, 
clear reflections on former selves. 

Until you sink, watch the wind, the world 
set its stage, the humid smell, 
the waiting... 

From the deep you will rise, 
gather yourself and witness your role, 
it was through us the earth spoke: 

“It has welled up long enough, now it must pour out.”

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